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Megan Michler

To declaw or not to declaw

Declawing is a heated topic now days and here is what you as an owner should know before you remove your kittens or cats claws.

Declawing involves the amputation of the last bone of each toe. The declawing procedure has been prohibited as an elective procedure in various countries such as New Zealand and Brazil based on ethical concerns and long term complications (Clark et al. 2014). The declawing procedure is still an elective procedure in South Africa but many vets will only do it if all alternatives have been ruled out. This decision is due to declawing procedure being medically unnecessary (Mills 2016). Usually in a declawing operation, the cat is given a general anesthetic. Then a tourniquet is used to stop the blood flow to the foot while a sterile scalpel, guillotine clipper or laser is used to remove the terminal bone and ligament of the toe (Clark et al. 2014). This is done by cutting through terminal bone and ligament of the toe or heating and vaporized by laser (Wright 1980). The wounds are closed with stitches and the feet of the cat are bandaged up and the anesthetic is reversed.

Reason for a declawing procedure to be done is that the owner may have to remove the cats claws due to it being damaged or have a tumor, owner may dislike the cat scratching furniture and clothes, having dead pieces of nail lying around their living area, have a bleeding disorder or suppressed immune systems, been scratched badly by the cat or misinformed about why cats have claws and how to reduce aggression in a cat (Wright 1980 and Eckstein 2019).

Effect of declawing the cat include the cat relearning how to walk, pain in the paw, infection, tissue death, lameness, back pain, regrowth of improperly removed claws, fever, asthma, arthritis, skin disorders, loss of appetite, reluctance to jump, reluctance to walk, reluctance to scratch, swelling of paws, chewing at paws, and increased aggression, nerve damage and bone spurs (Hughes 2018). The cat may stop using the litter box or urinate outside of it. Some cats may become biters because they no longer have their claws for defense.

Alternatives to declawing a cat is behavioral training which involves redirecting the scratching to a toy or scratching post. The owner can get soft claws vinyl nail caps for cat claws that are applied with surgical adhesive that prevents scratching (Angel paws 2016). The owner can get the cat’s nails filed frequently all thought this method will not stop a cat from sharpening its existing claws and using them (PETA 2013). Having sufficient toys or scratching post as appropriate enrichment for the cat to use and that the cat enjoys can reduce stress and be an energy outlet for the cat. The owner can apply synthetic facial pheromone sprays or diffuses in their home to help relieve anxiety or stress in the cat which may or may not be related to the cats scratching behavior .

Based on these findings not only is declawing not a necessary surgery as it has more effects towards the cats life after claws have been removed than ideally thought and feel if the surgery is not beneficial to the cat it should not be done.

Angel paws (2016) What are Soft Claws? [Internet] Angel paws 2016. Available from <> [Accessed on 26 July 2019].

Clark, K., Bailey, T., Rist, P., Matthews, A. (2014) Comparison of 3 methods of onychectomy. [Internet]Can Vet J. Vol 55, No. 3, Pages 255-262, March 1, 2014. Available from <> [Accessed on 16 August 2019].

Mills, K.E., von Keyserlingk, M. A. G., Niel , L. (2016) A review of medically unnecessary surgeries in dogs and cats [Internet] Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, Vol. 248, No. 2 , Pages 162-171, January 15, 2016. Available from>[Accessed on 16 August 2019].

Eckstein, S (2019) Declawing Cats: Positives, Negatives, and Alternatives: A closer look at the controversial procedure. [Internet] WebMD 2019. Available from <> [Accessed on 16 August 2019].

Hughes, K. (2019) 7 Negative Side Effects of Declawing Your Cat. [Internet] pet MD 2019. Available from <> [Accessed 5 August 2019].

PETA. (2013) 8 Reasons Why You Should Never Declaw Your Cats. [Internet] PETA July 25, 2013. Available from <> [Accessed 2 August 2019].

Wright, M., Walters, S. (1980) “Chapter 3, Keeping a cat: Declawing”. The book of the cat. Pan books Ltd, Cavaye place, London. pg. 157. [Accessed on 6 August 2019].

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